Like most people, not every one of my days starts off great. There are those days when I wonder if I really have woken up on the wrong side of the bed. (What about those of you who only have one side of the bed?) There are easy things we can all do to start our day off right. I’m not talking about eating our Wheaties, or doing a morning workout. The key to a successful day all starts with our attitude. Begin your morning with a good attitude and good things will happen. No matter how tired you may be, or how ugly it is outside, or the reason you’re getting up in the first place, make your own personal decision to have a good day. Before you leave the house remind yourself that today is a new day, you won’t be able to get it back or do it again tomorrow so make it worth it. We waste so much time going through the motions, and our worlds become mundane. Don’t let that happen.
Do something productive, no matter how small the task may be, get something accomplished. Self accomplishment is one of the very few things we have control over. No one in this world is going to do things for you. What I mean by that is, no one will make you successful, no one will make your decisions, it’s all up to you.
Try to make each day a little different, a little special in your own way. Do something you usually don’t do in the morning. Call an old friend and catch up, listen to your favorite song from 5 years ago, read something inspiring, give someone a compliment. Get creative!
When setbacks occur, or when average happenings just don’t happen the way you want them to, embrace it. Don’t let the little things in life derail you or set you back. Make the best out of every situation because every opportunity, every sidestep, is an opportunity to learn and grow (even if it’s only personally known to you).
So what can you do TODAY to make this moment better? How can you make today better than yesterday? Take little steps, little changes to changing your everyday attitude and you will be amazed at how you’ve changed so much more than that.
Remember today only happens once, you will never get it back, you can never get another chance at making today a good day.