Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Goal Setting/Part 2

Goals are important in everyday life, and hopefully what I wrote before was helpful. Once we realize that with goals, we can ultimately change our lives, we will be able to make them easier. Remember that goals can be changed. They are not set in stone and since we make them, we can change them when necessary. Try not to worry about adjustments. Life happens as does human nature and we have to be able to adapt otherwise we will constantly be discouraged. The deadline (the date) is not the focal point, the objective is. Every goal must be dated in order to ensure commitment and obligation. You can change the date but make it specific! If goals can’t be adjusted, or changed then whoever does not complete those goals, won’t try again. You can’t give up and it’s ok to try at a goal more than once. Try to remember that goals are merely steps to bigger things within your life. No goal is your “last”. Each takes us to where we want to end up. That is why smaller goals are more important, because they get us to the larger ones.
Goals are written statements of the choices we want in our life: where we want to go in life, what we want, where we want to end up and whether or not they will lead us to something bigger. When you break down a goal, focus on the steps you’re going to take to obtain it. Take ACTION! These steps are more important the goal itself and the action you take is what will help you get past the obstacles that are always keeping you from reaching your goal. You need to follow your own steps, that you’ve written and keep track of them. Life is a process and a journey and no one can expect to get from point A to B with one simple action. The really change your life and get what you want you have to keep yourself motivated, and accountable. This is what a Life Coach does for you. So write down your goal, write down what you think could keep you from attaining that goal, then write down how you’re going to overcome those small obstacles. Ultimately you’ll reach what you’re really trying to accomplish.