Tuesday, December 1, 2009


An understanding of goals and goal setting is essential to all Life Coaches. The right Life Coach knows the specific goal format when working with each client. The same way doesn't work for everyone but the basic guideline can get anyone on the right track. People who set a broader range of goals do much better than those who only set a couple. Don't set yourself up for failure and remember to hold yourself accountable. I help my clients focus on the 10 following goal areas:

* Lifestyle Goals
* Job, Work, & Career Goals
* Financial Goals
* Time & Personal Organization Goals
* Health & Fitness Goals
* Relationship Goals
* Self-Esteem Goals
* Personal Growth Goals
* Quality of Life Goals
* All & Any Other Goals

If you can focus on certain areas, narrow down what you want to change or accomplish, you'll be one step closer to making it happen. Here are my suggestions for setting successful goals...

* Identify the goal
* Write it down
* Set the date for completion
* List the obstacles to reaching the goal
* Write and date the action steps
* Prioritize your goals
* Review and track your progress on schedule
* Update and goal, date, or action step that isn't working.

Remember goals are meant to be changed. Life happens and we need to always be adjusting to that in order to be successful. By setting goals you are giving yourself a plan. A plan that you outline out and set up for success. don't let yourself fail.

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