Saturday, March 13, 2010


Most of the time for us to reach our goals, attain our accomplishments, or even get through the tedious day to day, we have to STAY MOTIVATED. As easy as that sounds, we all know its not. So many things in life get in our way and hold us back from the finish line. I know that I am guilty of that, so what you need to do is find the fire that will get you started and focus on that. Here are some easy tips to staying motivated...

*Make a list.
As mundane as that may sound, making a list will help simplify what you need to get done. If it's a goal, a list help you plan out steps. Just by being able to cross things off you'll feel some accomplishment and know that you're getting somewhere.

*Set a date.
Setting a date to getting things done helps you to hold yourself accountable. Who better to be motivated for than yourself!

*Cross things off.
Crossing things off your list as you complete them will only make the list smaller! The hidden motivation in simple satisfaction is one of the best ways to stay on track.

*Remind yourself that you may not have another chance.
Do as much as you can with every day that you have, and don't put off for tomorrow. You'll sleep better and you'll feel better.

*Reward yourself.
When you finish something, no matter the size, if it was something that was difficult for you to do, reward yourself. Whether its with time, or a cocktail, or a night out. Just knowing that you'll be congratulating yourself at the end is motivating enough!

Whether you need motivation to finish something, or reach a goal, make more money, clean something you've been dreading, remember the satisfaction of completion and focus on that. Let that be the fire under your a**. Staying motivated is the key to success. Be a stronger person, a focused individual, and let they sky be your limit. You are the only person in control of your success. Let's get motivated!!

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