Wednesday, July 14, 2010


"I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime".

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The other day I was talking with a girl who did nothing but complain about her life and her circumstances. I listened for about an hour to her "poor me" stories of how life wasn't served on a silver platter for her. I understand the hardships of life and the struggles so many of us go through; none of which are exactly the same. But we all have two choices. We can take life as a challenge, the ups and downs, and make the best of what we are given. Or we can constantly compare to others, always be wanting and never be satisfied. I personally exercise the first choice and I suggest everyone does the same. There will always be someone who has more, or better. Someone who had it easy or someone who maybe did not get what you felt they deserved, (good or bad). We really only have control of our own actions, our own character and our own choices. We have to take responsibility for each and every one of them. I believe if we focus on the consequences of our deeds and words, then perhaps our actions will improve. I live by the golden rule of "do unto others as you would want done unto you". We can not continue to put the blame of our misfortunes and the circumstances of our own actions on anyone but ourselves. Find focus in the good. Live life like it means something. Don't wait around for something to happen either. We get out of life the amount in which we put into it. Give more, ask for less.

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