Friday, September 24, 2010

"Challenges are what make life interseting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful."

-- Joshua Marine

Friday, August 13, 2010

"When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand."

-- Henri Nouwen

When was the last time you tried to be the type of person described above? I have experienced so many individuals who are always wanting, and needing someone or something when they have never been the one needed. If we can constantly and continuously try to be better individuals ourselves and give more than receive the rest will follow. Nothing is owed to us, and not everyone deserves companionship's and relationships that help enrich our lives. However, when we give first and ask to receive later we will find that eventually we won't have to ask anymore.

Each day try to be a better person than the day before. Be productive, offer assistance, have compassion and patience. Let the wonderful things in this world soak in and have appreciation for the small things. Show appreciation and gratitude, and never let life pass by without finding enjoyment in it and in yourself.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


"I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime".

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

The other day I was talking with a girl who did nothing but complain about her life and her circumstances. I listened for about an hour to her "poor me" stories of how life wasn't served on a silver platter for her. I understand the hardships of life and the struggles so many of us go through; none of which are exactly the same. But we all have two choices. We can take life as a challenge, the ups and downs, and make the best of what we are given. Or we can constantly compare to others, always be wanting and never be satisfied. I personally exercise the first choice and I suggest everyone does the same. There will always be someone who has more, or better. Someone who had it easy or someone who maybe did not get what you felt they deserved, (good or bad). We really only have control of our own actions, our own character and our own choices. We have to take responsibility for each and every one of them. I believe if we focus on the consequences of our deeds and words, then perhaps our actions will improve. I live by the golden rule of "do unto others as you would want done unto you". We can not continue to put the blame of our misfortunes and the circumstances of our own actions on anyone but ourselves. Find focus in the good. Live life like it means something. Don't wait around for something to happen either. We get out of life the amount in which we put into it. Give more, ask for less.

Monday, May 10, 2010

What's important

Focusing on what is important in life for the individual soul will ultimately guide to you to your own happiness. What we put our efforts into; our time and distress, our worries and our love, is the holding cell of our success. Each day, put even the smallest amount of effort into something you really love. It can be a goal, a wish, a person you love, anything you want. Things in life, great things, don't just happen. Only you can make things happen, it all depends on what you put into it. We've all heard the saying "you get out of life what you put into it", and that rings truer that true. Get motivated, find something to KEEP you motivated and change your life one step at a time!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Build your brain

I've been spending some time here and there trying to build my brain. Either by reading educational books, doing puzzles and exercises, or trying something new and I suggest you all do the same. I have learned that if you do not use it, you will lose it. Your brain is a muscle just like the rest, so work it out! This world would be a better place if we all applied ourselves and tried to get the most out of what we've got. No human will ever reach the brain's full capacity. Everybodys brain is different, and everybody is stupid at something. That is human nature. Try things that are challenging and new, and even difficult. We all have tendencies to settle into fixed behaviors and routines. Exercise your brain and get out of the laziness that feels so comfortable. By doing something as small as challenging your brain you'll be amazed at the difference and opportunities you find at your door.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Persistence requires a lot of patience. Listen to the cliche, and never give up. No matter how hard things get, no matter how many times people tell you no, if there is something that you really want, do not give up. I know this from experience, and you need to realize that you are the only one in control of your life's' outcome. Yes, there will be obstacles, and there will be struggles, but if you can make the best out of every situation you will never let yourself down. Be persistent! Be strong, and believe in yourself, because until you do, no one else will.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I am recently a new member of the NAPW (The National Association of Professional Women). This is a great accomplishment for me and I am a proud member of this growing and fantastic organization. Please take the time to check out their website and feel free to ask me any questions. It is a great site for networking, help, guidance and endless opportunities. .



Saturday, March 13, 2010


Most of the time for us to reach our goals, attain our accomplishments, or even get through the tedious day to day, we have to STAY MOTIVATED. As easy as that sounds, we all know its not. So many things in life get in our way and hold us back from the finish line. I know that I am guilty of that, so what you need to do is find the fire that will get you started and focus on that. Here are some easy tips to staying motivated...

*Make a list.
As mundane as that may sound, making a list will help simplify what you need to get done. If it's a goal, a list help you plan out steps. Just by being able to cross things off you'll feel some accomplishment and know that you're getting somewhere.

*Set a date.
Setting a date to getting things done helps you to hold yourself accountable. Who better to be motivated for than yourself!

*Cross things off.
Crossing things off your list as you complete them will only make the list smaller! The hidden motivation in simple satisfaction is one of the best ways to stay on track.

*Remind yourself that you may not have another chance.
Do as much as you can with every day that you have, and don't put off for tomorrow. You'll sleep better and you'll feel better.

*Reward yourself.
When you finish something, no matter the size, if it was something that was difficult for you to do, reward yourself. Whether its with time, or a cocktail, or a night out. Just knowing that you'll be congratulating yourself at the end is motivating enough!

Whether you need motivation to finish something, or reach a goal, make more money, clean something you've been dreading, remember the satisfaction of completion and focus on that. Let that be the fire under your a**. Staying motivated is the key to success. Be a stronger person, a focused individual, and let they sky be your limit. You are the only person in control of your success. Let's get motivated!!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why a Life Coach?

Why are so many people now using Professional Life Coaches?

When you have a professionally trained Life Coach working with you, you have a trained support coach -- someone who knows what to do, knows how to guide you -- and stays with you, helping you get through the obstacles, and reach your goals. Life Coaches are not therapists, doctors, or psychiatrists. We are trained professionals focused on your personal and professional growth for greater fulfillment. Your Life Coach is a mentor, a guide, and a motivator -- giving you objective feedback, encouragement, and non-stop support. You are not just making yourself accountable, but you become accountable to your Coach as well. Improvements and positive results are guaranteed!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Becky Sehenuk


Sunday, January 31, 2010

What is a Life Coach?

More often than not I get the question...what is a Life Coach?
What can a Life Coach do for me?

Ask yourself these questions....

Have you ever felt like there was something you wanted to do, but didn't know where to start or how to get it?
Do you feel that you are not reaching your full potential?
Do you lack motivation?
Is it difficult to finish projects?
Do you struggle with relationships and finding balance?
Are you getting what you really want out of life?
Do you find it hard to find focus and stay on track?

All these questions are what a Life Coach helps you focus on; any aspect of your life that you want to work on or improve. The key to a Life Coach isn't simple answers to a broad range of questions.

As a trained and professional Life Coach, my purpose is to focus completely on YOU and your needs.

* Giving you help indentify what you really want in every important aspect of your life.
* Help and assistence, not just now and then, but week after week.
* Finding your focus and right attitude.
* Taking the right actions to reach your goals
* Tracking your progress and staying motivated along the way.
* We will define, set and track your goals.
* Focus on your attitudes and actions that determine your succes in each area of your life...

- Job & Career
- Personal Growth
- Money and Finances
- Self-Esteem
- Personal Relationships
- Health and Fitness
- Personal Organization
- Quality of Life

I am not only someone to talk to, but someone to help guide you, motivate you, and hold you accountable.

Saturday, January 9, 2010